Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
Happy New Year from Asia! We pray that the new year (and new decade) are off to a good start for you and your family. As we begin the Lunar New Year holiday here and prepare for everything that lies ahead in 2020, we would like to extend our deepest thanks for your faithful prayers and gifts during 2019.
The new year also brings with it an important change for our family. I (Josh) will continue to serve in the same role through CWEF, and the work we are doing here in Asia will not change. However, the organization we are sent through will soon change. Starting from March 2020, we will be supported by Mission of Christ Network (https://missionofchrist.org). MCN’s founders and leaders have many years of experience serving in both national and international Lutheran ministries. A primary focus for MCN is to provide opportunities for lay people to serve effectively overseas.
For more, please read this transition announcement letter from Mark Hofman of LCMS Mission Advancement: click here
If you have any questions about this change, please don’t hesitate to reach out at Joshua.Lange@lcms.org (prior to February 23) or jwalange@gmail.com (after February 23).
Prayers for the New Year
For new beginnings like these, prayer is the best place to start. Coco and I ask that you join us in prayer for the following:
For the hundreds of millions of people across China who have returned home to celebrate Lunar New Year with family. For many, including our Christian friends and colleagues, this holiday is the only time each year to see their family in person. Pray that God gives them opportunities to share the love of Christ in word and deed with family members.
Unfortunately, this year many of us have decided not to travel during the holiday due to the growing coronavirus outbreak. Pray especially for those in Hubei province (where Wuhan is located) who are seeking care for themselves or family members, and for all of the medical professionals who are serving under intense pressure. They are running low on hospital capacity, supplies and mental/emotional energy.
For comfort and peace for CWEF colleague Adam Herron and his wife Kristi, whose father passed away suddenly due to complications from a heart attack earlier this month.
Thank God for His provision during CWEF’s end-0f-year “Renewal 2020” campaign. These gifts from our generous community of partners and donors will make it possible for our team to impact over 1800 people from 450 families in 2020 through scholarships for students from low-income families, renewed access to reliable, clean drinking water, and training for teams of local health advocates who will lead health promotion activities with others in their community or school. Enjoy this article from one community recently blessed with renewed access to clean water: https://www.cwef.org.hk/yanmaidi-project-complete
At the same time, our team in China is facing unexpected issues related to government approvals of several of our projects due to surprise new requirements, shared with us at the end of December. Pray for these barriers to be removed so we can move forward.
Remember our CWEF team members as you pray: Li Ying, Maggie, Jenny, Kanhchana, Panhary, Buntha, Adam & Renee. Ask Him to grant them faith, courage, and wisdom.
For the Spirit’s leading for Coco and I as we seek deeper connections and opportunities to share with several new Chinese friends who are fellow parents of John’s classmates.
For faith, hope and love from Him in our marriage and our vocation as parents to John and Sophie.
Thank you for walking together with us as we walk with Him on this journey. He has used you in a wonderful way to bless the people CWEF works with, and to sustain us as we serve. We are grateful for your partnership in the Gospel, and for your many prayers and gifts through the years.
In His Love,
Josh & Coco, John & Sophie